Story -diary-

言わずもがな|aligatos,INNAT,satou,SAYATOMO,ULTERIOR,YASHIKI|22AW|えん -en-

Needless to say

Black items and 〇〇 that took advantage of the popularity. 〇〇

Needless to say

Black items and 〇〇 that took advantage of the popularity. 〇〇

なんだかんだ|INNAT,ULTERIOR,YASHIKI|22AW|Long Outer|えん -en-

It's something

Something makes me want to wear it

It's something

Something makes me want to wear it

ひとりごと|11月18日|えん -en-

Soliloquy November 18th

A spectacular two-day weekend.

Soliloquy November 18th

A spectacular two-day weekend.

くすぐる|INNAT,ULTERIOR,SAYATOMO|22AW|Military Pants|えん -en-


Military pants that tickle me.


Military pants that tickle me.

いち|靴下の日|aligatos|えん -en-


What day is November 11th?


What day is November 11th?

ひとりごと|11月8日|えん -en-

Soliloquy November 7th

Soliloquy for November 8th.

Soliloquy November 7th

Soliloquy for November 8th.