Story -diary-

再|せたがや Pay|えん -en-

Great deals starting again

Great deals starting again

上下|INNAT,satou,ULTERIOR|22AW|えん -en-

top and bottom

above and below each.

top and bottom

above and below each.

用と景|Yagasuri Knit Cap,Yukitsuri Knit Beret|YASHIKI 22AW|えん -en-

business and scenery

Combines “purpose and scenery”

business and scenery

Combines “purpose and scenery”

利く|sotogi coat|satou 22AW|えん -en-


Useful details.


Useful details.

ぎりぎり|INNAT,satou,ULTERIOR,YASHIKI|えん -en-

last minute

I can barely wear it now.

last minute

I can barely wear it now.

両A面|quilting hanten blouson|satou 22AW|えん -en-

Both sides A

The excellence of both A-sides.

Both sides A

The excellence of both A-sides.