あっという間に|えん -en-

in a flash

Good evening. This is Ikeda.

There has been an increase in sudden heavy rain lately.
It often rains suddenly and then becomes very hot in the blink of an eye.
I consider myself lucky to have been able to take action without being hit by such sudden heavy rain.
He's probably a sunny guy.
It was good information for everyone.

With such abnormal weather events occurring frequently, I heard on the news the other day that if global warming continues, Japan will no longer have four seasons and will only have two seasons.
I was wondering if spring and autumn would disappear, but it seems like there are no springs and autumns anymore.
Just when you thought the heat of summer was subsiding, it suddenly turned into winter, and just when you thought the cold of winter was subsiding, it turned into summer in the blink of an eye.
I just wish that I could feel the calm atmosphere of spring and autumn even more.

As usual, I started writing with small talk, but today I'm not introducing items.
As you can probably tell by looking at the thumbnail, we will be celebrating our 1st anniversary on Sunday, August 13th.
Wow, a year has passed in the blink of an eye.
It's only been one year, but we've been in operation for a year, and we've been blessed with a lot of people, including our customers, the brands we carry, everyone involved, our seniors, friends, family, and more. I would like to express my gratitude to you for your support.
thank you very much.

I may be moving slowly like an ant, but I will continue to push forward so that I can reach my 2nd anniversary.
Although we are a private store that could fly away if the wind blows, we will try our best to stay open and open, so we hope that you will continue to watch over us with warm eyes.

Even though it's our 1st anniversary, I think it's only been a year, so I won't be doing any special events.
Let's put aside the reality that we don't have that kind of money.

Having said that, I don't want to do anything at all, so I wouldn't go so far as to say there are only four projects.
That's why I'm writing this on the day before the 3-day holiday, not on the 13th.
Even though I said at the beginning that it was sunny, there might be a typhoon on the 13th.

The first is the sale of bespoke items from a certain brand.
This will be released around the end of this month, so please look forward to it.

Second, we are planning to hand out free alcohol to those who come.
You can drink it on the spot or take it home.
Some are chilled and others are left at room temperature, so please let us know your preference.

In an instant|en -en-

Although 90% of the drinks are beer, we also have a small selection of other alcoholic beverages, so choose what you like.
If you don't want it, don't worry, we won't force you to give it to us.
I'm loosely thinking that it will last for about a month, depending on inventory.
Please note that there is a possibility that you may have been drunk since noon.

Third, I'm thinking of distributing original stickers that no one needs.
Basically, it will be distributed to those who purchase it, but if you tell us you want it, of course we will give it to you.
I know there are no such people.

In an instant|en -en-

There are 5 types, and in addition to the simple one with just the logo, we also make one with the concept of ``en'', ``en'', ``zon'', and ``tsuya'' in the background.
Basically, I'll put it in at random, but if you have a request, I'll put in something with that design.
I don't think there are any people like that.
You can enjoy it in your own way by pasting it somewhere, cutting it into circles without pasting it and using it somewhere, or storing it in the back of your closet.

The fourth and final one is not a limited one, and I will continue to do it, but I am thinking of starting to sell used clothing.
I had wanted to start doing it someday, so I decided that a year would be a good time to start.

In an instant|en -en-

Of course, I like new items from the brands we carry, but as someone who also loves used clothing, I would be happy to offer new items as well.
I don't often wear new clothes, so I usually pair them with old clothes.

In an instant|en -en-

As for the genre of second-hand clothing, I think it will basically be American, but I don't think there will be too many genres.
There are no restrictions on whether it is vintage or regular.
This is because, for me, it doesn't really matter whether it's vintage or regular, I just focus on the designs that I think are good.
Of course, I can understand the value of things like the year and details.

In an instant|en -en-

If anything, I think it's important to focus on sensibility, or feel, or simply feeling like you want to wear something.
So my tastes will be on full display, so I think there will be a lot of silly stuff.
I hope you enjoy combining these items with new items.

In an instant|en -en-

The new items are all items that have been designed with an eye to the future, so when it comes to used clothing, I want to offer as many items that can be worn now as possible.
This time we have picked up many short-sleeved items, so please start wearing them now.

In an instant|en -en-

I haven't decided whether to post it online yet, but either way, please contact me via Instagram DM, email, etc. and I'll be happy to help.

This is the place.
If it's not something you enjoy, there's no point in doing it.
Because I am running it alone, I am allowed to enjoy it on my own.
I would be happy if everyone could enjoy it and be happy.

Even though we are doing this, we will be open as usual, so please come and relax after work, after shopping, taking a walk, cycling, etc.
We are looking forward to your stay.

Well then.




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  • 新|BISOWN|えん -en-



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